Tips for Your First Solo Camping - The Cavemanstyle

Tips for Your First Solo Camping

Job and family, let's face it that you can get overwhelmed sometimes. We need some downtime and a "me time" like cooking your weekend bbq or constructing your outdoor kitchen, but nothing beats nature therapy.
There is a reason why camping can be beneficial for your health and overall well being. As much as we enjoy the company of others while on camping, solo camping elevates the benefits of camping. Here you can temporarily detach and get in touch to your yourself even more.
We can talk about the benefits of solo camping compared to joining a group, but for this post, we will be discussing on how you can embark on your first solo camping. Or maybe you just had a solo camp but it didn't turned out so well.
So read on how to have the best solo camping.

1. Baby steps are essential

No matter how alluring the thought of detaching from society even for the weekend in a rugged terrain, it is best to leave it to seasoned solo campers. Like any activity, safety and comfort comes first. Hence this is the cardinal rule for beginner solo camping. 

2. Find a beginner-friendly campsite

This is closely connected to our first tip. As campsite plays a major role in any kind of camping, you need to find the site that secures both your comfort and safety. Research and you can surely find sites that are suited for beginners and solo campers.
You can also opt for familiar campsites and just station yourself away from the crowd. This way, you can enjoy the solitude while safe to have someone to call in case you need help.  As a first-time solo camper, look for flat terrains and those closer to roads and trails. A site with cellular reception is good as well. 

3. Checklist for essential gears

Ok, you won't be rock climbing or doing extreme activities while on a solo camp but for beginners, let's stick with the basics yet. What you should pack are for safety and food and here are jus some of them:
  • First aid kit / your medications
  • Sleeping bag and tent
  • Water and food supplies
  • Cooking gers
  • Knives
  • Bug spray
  • Head lamp

For knives, you can bring our Utility Knife, or the handy 2-in- 1  Rocking Chopper as well as our best-selling Ultimo Knife. Or why not bring them along as a bundle with our 3-in-1 Bushcrafting Wild Bundle?



4. Weather Check

Being on your own exposed to nature, you must check the weather during your trip. You should also research on what animals or mosquito season just in case your site will be affected. For solo camping, plan your trip on a nice weather and leave winter camping to highly experienced solo campers.


5. Share your plan to your family and friends

Though a little bit contradictory to your solo camping goal, for safety purposes,you have to inform your family and close friends just to track you down. It is up to you to keep your social media friends updated while on a trip but it is a must to inform people. Leave the crucial details like routes and timeline to your trusted family. If anything happens they can always call the police and rescuers.


Ready for your solo camping? Don't forget to bring along your Caveman knife and enjoy your trip! 

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