With the increasing popularity of the Internet and digital devices these days, it's no wonder that people spend almost all of their time in front of the screen. If you're one of these individuals, you should consider going on a digital detox to reduce stress, reconnect with people in real life, and most importantly for our Cavemanstyle members, to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors. This is basically a period of time when you avoid using your computers, smartphones, social media platforms and the Internet in general.
So why not get your cooking knife ready so you can prepare deliciously smoked meat dishes or learn to make one during your digital detox?
Why is Digital Detox important?
Spending a lot of time online can be detrimental to your overall well-being. When it comes to social media alone, here are some facts:
- Although social media offers some benefits, studies in the U.S. have also revealed that individuals spending more time on a platform have higher rates of reported depression compared to those who're seldom online
- A Michigan State University study revealed that excessive use of social media is akin to drug addiction
By going on a digital detox, you basically free yourself from the detrimental effects of always online to your overall wellbeing. The benefits of digital detox include:
- Reduces stress;
- Promotes being present and aware of surroundings;
- Increases productivity;
- Boosts self-worth and confidence
- Improves physical health especially due to improved posture and less strain to the eyes
- Improves sleep
- Increases attention span
- Improves creativity
- Develops problem-solving skills
- Promotes social interaction with people you love
- Encourages going outdoors and connecting with nature
- Promotes learning new skills or improving existing ones
Check out our Cavemanstyle knives and cleaver sets if you're thinking of learning or improving your outdoor cooking skills during a digital detox.
What to do during a Digital Detox?
For our Cavemanstyle readers, here are some activities you can do during the digital-free period:
- Hiking
It improves muscle strength and cardiovascular stamina, among other physical fitness benefits. Check out our list of the best hiking trails in the US.
- Camping
A weekend or overnight camping is a splendid activity for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. You can do it on a rocky mountain, in a forest or along the coastlines, depending on the type of scenery you love.
- Volunteerism
This is basically offering volunteer labor especially in community services for remote locations. Many of the volunteering opportunities are available overseas. Volunteerism can widen your view of the world as you'll be learning about other people's cultures. It'll also help you learn many practical skills, many of which are bushcraft skills.
- Cooking
Cooking, both indoor and outdoor, is a fun thing to do. The process of preparing the ingredients, especially meat chunks, can be a calming, serene experience as long as you have everything you need in advance. Make it a more stress-free experience by purchasing a reliable, high-quality cooking knife online that is designed with perfect balance and sharp versatility. The digital detox is also the perfect time to learn some new dishes, so why not check out the various recipes we provided on our blog?
- Physical Workout
Physical exercise is definitely the most popular way to get your body moving and active. You can actually do your exercises everywhere regardless if you're stuck at home due to COVID-related community quarantines or everybody is already allowed to go out. At home, you can do yoga, aerobic workout, and even use makeshift exercise equipment if you don't have a home gym. Being engaged in exercises basically gets your mind off from the compulsion of checking your emails or social media feeds.
Bottom Line
If you feel you're getting addicted to social media, the Internet or your phone, you should consider going on a digital detox. Plan out some activities you love to do while in this digital-free period.
For outdoor and indoor cooking activities, get your Cavemanstyle Cleaver Knife today!