Maybe second to butter, bacon seems to make everything better. More than just a breakfast (or all-day breakfast) staple, adding bacon to your dish will instantly elevate your classic dish. Have your tried Bacon PB&J Sandwich? You're missing out if you haven't.
But just like any of those that goes too far, it just spells disaster. Remember the bullet-proof coffee (coffee with butter. yikes)? Add bacon to other food are just plain no. However for some, it can be tolerable and for plain gastronomic experience.Â
Check out this list of weirdest bacon-flavored food.
Check out this list of weirdest bacon-flavored food.

Bacon-wrapped Oreos
We love bacon-wrapped food and we often do it with something meat from hotdogs to meatloaves, but with Oreos? Maybe not..or maybe yes? The contrasting savory bacon and sweet areas might be a good combination. Try it!

Bacon Cookies
Hmm. unlike bacon-wrapped Oreos, the cookie flavor differently is off-tangent to that of bacon's.. Simple not comprehensible do you think but we guess you won't puke after one bite.

Bacon Soda
You read it right..bacon soda. Not baking soda! Sodas comes in different flavors is this is just one of the weirdest soda flavors in the market. Worse is the fact that there are companies that make this. Yes, it takes like bacon. We think this should be left to college kids. Pass.

Bacon Milkshake
If the bacon is just added as topping, we'll take it any day but if it is mixed with the whole milkshake...off we go to the door in seconds! Just thinking about this flavor make us winced and gag.

Bacon Vodka
Just like Bacon Milkshake, this is cool if the bacon is just added as a vodka garnish..what a delectable bite to go with your drink! But bacon-flavored vodka? That is like lard spirits! Well if you're drinking bacon vodka, you are definitely drunk as a skunk!Â
So tribesmen, what level of bacon-flavored food are you?Â
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